Health News

The importance of physiotherapy for the elderly

Physiotherapy will be an excellent asset for older people. It can help them stay more independent, increase mobility, and reduce symptoms of health conditions, like Parkinson’s, arthritis, and strokes. Many older people are surprised by the results of just a few physiotherapy sessions. Increased flexibility and strength allows them to regain the mobility they thought […]

home automation
Business News Real estate

Seven advances in home automation that will save you a lot of energy at home

Home automation is a very useful tool when it comes to controlling all home systems and making more efficient consumption, saving energy and making life easier. Installing a home automation system at home can save 25 or 30 percent in energy consumption, with the added advantage that the investment required for its installation can be […]

solar energy
Business News Technology

What is solar energy and photovoltaic energy and how it works

Principles of Solar Energy Operation Like water and air, the sun is the basis of life on earth to which it gives heat and light. Inexhaustible, available, unpolluted, solar energy provides enough energy to the earth’s inhabitants every 50 minutes to cover their annual energy needs. The challenge lies in gathering a small part of this caloric […]